Pragmatic Programmer Note

The Pragmatic Programmer

Here are some markdowns and thoughts when I reading The Pragmatic Programmer.

A Pragmatic Philosophy

  1. Know yourself then make reasonable dicision.
  2. Be a responsible man.
  3. Make thing as better as possible.
  4. Dare to make change.
  5. Be catalyst for change
  6. Remember the big picture.
  7. Get feedback from client.
  8. Good enough is the best.
  9. Always upgrade yourself.
  10. Find out problem’s reason.
  11. Critically analyze what you read and hear.
  12. Correctly express yourself and your problem.
  13. Communicate with others.
  14. Make good chance.
  15. Listen to others.
  16. Make reaction to others.

A Pragmatic Approach

  1. Don’t repeat yourself(DRY), make thing easy to reuse.
  2. Do one thing and do it well, make thing modular and have different levels.
  3. Information hiding, avoid to use global data.
  4. Try first then get feedback from prototype.
  5. Choose the best language to solve a problem.
  6. Estimate to avoid surprises.

The Basic Tools

  1. Keep knowledge in plain text.
  2. Use the power of your command shells.
  3. Use a single editor well.
  4. Always use source code control.
  5. Make tracing style log file.
  6. Learn a text manipulation language.
  7. Write code that wtires code.

Pragmatic Paranoia

  1. You can’t write perfect software.
  2. Design by contract and convention.
  3. Easy in and strict out.
  4. Check condition in caller, assert in callee.
  5. Check error in callee, solve in caller.
  6. Finish what you start.