Linux Tools

Linux Tools

This markdown will lits a sort of tools depend on thier usage.

For Linux User

  1. Getting informations: id, groups, users, date, cal, pwd, ps, which, whatis, whoami, ls, cd, w, who, last, ip, free, df, du, file, lscpu, lspci, lsusb, lslogins, lsblk, top, uptime, uname.
  2. Getting help: help cmd, cmd –help, cmd -h, man, apropos, info.
  3. Manange files: >file, touch, mkdir, rm, rmdir, mv, cp, , ln, chmod, chown, chgrp, cat, less, more, head, tail, tar, gzip, gunzip, bzip2, bunzip2, zip, unzip, chksum, md5sum.
  4. Find file or string: locate, find, grep.
  5. Jobs: C-C, C-D, C-Z, jobs, fg, pushd, popd, dirs, kill, nice, renice, wait, sleep, at, batch, cron, crontab.
  6. Text manipulate: echo, printf, seq, cat, split, join, col, colmun, pr, lp, lpr, strings, spell, tee, fmt, wc, sort, uniq, cut, paste, cmp, comm, diff, patch, tr, od, iconv, expand, unexpand, sed, awk, vi[m], emacs.
  7. Connection tools: mail, ssh, telnet, lynx, w3m…
  8. Download tools: scp, wget, curl, ftp, smbget…
  9. Packages management: tar, rpm, dpkg, apt-get, yum, pacman…

For Linux Developer

  1. Build tools: make, cmake, automake, autoconf, libtools…
  2. Version control: diff, patch, git, cvs
  3. Writing Code: vim, emacs, indent, clang-format,
  4. Code Analysis: ctags, cscope, splint, cflow, doxygen, graphviz.
  5. Compiler and interpreter: gcc, clang, sdcc, perl, python, ruby, php.
  6. Debug tools: gdb, lldb, valgrind, llvm, strace, lsof, gprof, gperf, pmap, ldd, fuser, stat, strings, xxd, od, hexdump, binutils, ipcs, ipcrm, netstat, ltrace, vmstat, mpstat, iostat, time, mtrace,